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"I hope you find a sense of peace and serenity as you read my stories and adventures."


- James C. Ryan

New Books

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My Third book of poetry focuses on the journey to a life of peace, love and tranquility. Despite traumatic events we all experience we can live a life of serenity and enjoyment. There is a solution to all of our problems! My hope is that my poetry provides you with the strength and determination to live a life of love and tolerance.
Peace To All!!

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Life provides all of us with many challenges, unexpected, unplanned and unforgettable. The way I responded to them was transformational. Follow my personal journey through the abyss and back again with my heartfelt poetry in Sunrise Redemption. It is not how low we go, but it is what we do when we get there. My poetry will bring you to the edge of destruction, it will bring you to a dark and despairing place....Then it will show you the road to recovery, reconciliation and redemption. Come join me on my journey and road to happiness.

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This book is a follow up to my book, Sunrise Redemption. Life Does Blossom focuses on my poetry about the experience and strength needed to work on the recovery from traumatic events. It is at times, sad, but in the end uplifting and provides hope to those that need it. Please join me on this journey of hope, reconciliation, reconnection and redemption.

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James C. Ryan

James C. Ryan white feather icon

My diverse business and personal life have provided me with an array of experiences that I now bring to my writings, in short story and poetry and travel reviews. I hope you will find a sense of peace and serenity as you read my stories and adventures. My Poetry focuses on the themes of selfishness, self-centeredness, arrogance and despair, but more importantly forgiveness, reconciliation, hope and most important redemption.

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Times I knew

Your heart was not mine

Asked you to sit a while

Maybe for one last time


- James C. Ryan

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